About the Journal
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Informatics is a premier international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality research and innovative insights in the fields of Industrial Engineering, Informatics, and related disciplines. This journal aims to foster a deeper understanding of the integration of engineering principles and information technology through rigorous interdisciplinary research and practical applications.
Starting in 2024, the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Informatics embarks on a transformative journey to emphasize the critical interplay between Industry 4.0 technologies and industrial engineering practices. Recognizing the significant influence of digital transformation on industrial processes, this journal serves as a leading academic platform, inviting incisive scholarly discussions on the integration of cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics in industrial settings. Our interdisciplinary approach encompasses a wide range of topics, from the optimization of production systems through advanced informatics to the ethical implications of automation and data-driven decision-making.
Committed to advancing the understanding of digitalization's impact on industrial engineering and informatics, the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Informatics offers a diverse mix of theoretical explorations and empirical studies. The journal reflects both global and local perspectives, providing insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of industry and technology. Through our publications, we strive to contribute to the development of more efficient, sustainable, and innovative industrial practices worldwide.
Current Issue
Jurnal Perancangan dan Implementasi Jaringan VLAN untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Jaringan di SMP Ad-Da’wah
Abstract View: 181, PDF Download: 195