About the Journal

The Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems is a peer-reviewed academic journal that aims to promote research and development in the field of information technology and intelligent systems. The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, and case studies that advance the understanding and application of emerging technologies, intelligent systems, and their impact on society.

The scope of the journal covers a wide range of topics related to information technology and intelligent systems, including but not limited to:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Big data and data analytics
  • Cloud computing and virtualization
  • Cybersecurity and privacy
  • Distributed systems and networks
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Mobile and wireless communication
  • Natural language processing
  • Robotics and automation
  • Social media and social networks
  • Software engineering and development
  • Virtual and augmented reality

The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and students to share their insights, experiences, and innovative ideas on information technology and intelligent systems. It encourages interdisciplinary research and collaboration among academics, industry professionals, and policymakers to address complex challenges and opportunities in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Editorial Board: The editorial board of the Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems consists of renowned experts and scholars in the field of information technology and intelligent systems. The board members are responsible for ensuring the quality and integrity of the journal's content and providing guidance and feedback to authors and reviewers.

Publication: The Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems is published biannually in both print and online formats. All articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure their scientific quality, originality, and relevance. The journal follows a double-blind review process, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.

Submission Guidelines: The journal accepts submissions through its online submission system. Authors are encouraged to carefully read the submission guidelines and follow the formatting and style requirements to ensure their articles meet the journal's standards. The journal does not charge any submission or publication fees.

Indexing: The Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems is indexed and abstracted in major databases, including PKP Index, and Google Scholar. The journal also has a digital object identifier (DOI) for each article, ensuring its permanent identification and citability.